The largest in the history of SBR tournaments in Russia took place in Moscow

“Junior+” SBR Mahjong Tournament took place on April 6, 2024 in Moscow at the Meridian Cultural Center.

A club tournament, with 32 participants from three countries, de facto turned out to be the largest in the history of SBR tournaments in Russia, both in size and in terms of rating coefficient. 12 foreign players from China and Malaysia took part in the tournament.

Winners and runners-up:

  • 1st place in the overall standings – Cao Bitian 曹碧天 (China)
  • 2nd place in the overall standings – Denis Lugannikov
  • 3rd place in the overall standings – Alexey Kozhevnikov
  • 1st place among juniors – Ivan Chizhov, 10 years old
  • 2nd place among juniors – Alexander Tishchenko, 13 years old
  • 3rd place among juniors – Amal Eid, 8 years old

Several players received unusual prizes and incentives:

  • Aldar Zhamyanov — for his significant contribution to the development of relations between countries
  • Amal Eid, 8 years old — for winning hand in connection with the 9th anniversary of mahjong club “Tile”
  • Jin Mingjun 靳明君 (China) — prize from the organizer
  • Cao Bitian 曹碧天 (China) — for the best result among foreign players
  • Lum sisters (Malaysia) — for the best result among the “clans”

Photos from the tournament

Participants of SBR tournament 2024-04 in Moscow

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